Assignment 1 : OBSERVATION
Title : Why do People Smoke?
Table Of Contents
Research Methology
Survey Results
Why do people smoke? I choose this topic because smokers among people are getting worse nowadays and I am trying to find out the cause why do people like to smoke.
Nowadays it would be unheard of for people not to smoke. Smoking is a part of everyday life, although, believe it or not, it has only recently become so. Smoking is one of the most difficult addictions to break. As I did my research, according to the World Health Organization, smoking kills more people than any disease in the world. But why do people still continue to smoke?
Most people who smoke do so because they can't stop. It makes people addicted.
Research Methology : Populations
The proportions of the population who currently smoke cigarettes nowadays are between aged 15 years old and above.
Research Methology : Relations
Tobacco smoking is a well-recognised risk factor for many cancers and for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
Research Methology : Current level and trends
With the research information I found, in 2009, 22% of people aged 15–64 years were current cigarette smokers, according to the New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey. This was below the smoking prevalence rate derived from the New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey conducted in 2008 (24 %)
Why do people smoke? There are a lot of reason why people love and hard to quit smoking. There are over one thousand million smokers throughout the world, which is an astonishing number, considering the harm smoking does to your body, which we are all well aware of.
With this in mind, the question "why do people smoke?" is a really complicated one. It has only recently been proved that smoking causes lung cancer among other serious diseases and that passive smoking is also harmful for those that do not smoke.
Why do people start to smoke?
There are not many smokers who started smoking after the age of eighteen. In fact, the majority of smokers took up the habit in their early or mid teens.
At such a young age, the health risks of smoking, we don’t really care and we certainly do not realized how addictive smoking can be. As a teenager, they probably think that they can try smoking a few times and then take it or leave it.
However, it doesn't take long to become addicted to nicotine and smoking. Within a short period of time, children can experience the same needs and withdrawal symptoms as an adult, as well as smoke as many cigarettes or more.
There are several reasons as to why children or teenagers start smoking, which are :
* Smoking is Fun * They are constantly hunting for the enjoyment we knew as children. As we grew older, we had to continue our pleasures to work and to the necessity for unceasing effort.
* "With a Cigarette I Am Not Alone" * Smoking cigarettes is like being with a friend. * In one sense, a cigarette seems to be something alive
* "Smoking Helps Me Think"
- The mind can concentrate best when all outside stimuli have been excluded. Smoking literally provides a sort of "smoke screen" that helps to shut out distractions. * This explains why many people who were interviewed reported that they cannot think or write without a cigarette.
* The First Cigarette * Much of this guilt feeling can be trade directly to one's first cigarette, which the older generation remember as a forbidden and sinful thing.
The conclusion is that people really do like to smoke and it is really hard to stop smoking. For young teenagers, they enjoy smoking because they think it is cool but it is really not cool. Its not healthy and for me, I’m concerned to whom that are smoking in this world.
Survey Results
Based on my 30 surveys that I have done with students in my college, 70% of the students like to smoke because of they are already addicted to it and it is proven that they also said quitting smoking is hard.
Some of the student said the reason they are smoking is because it is cool and they enjoyed smoking every puff of it.
Also, some student said that the reason they started smoking is because of their friends. They wanted to be fit in at first so they tried one or two puff cigarettes and at last they are really into it.
Many of them started smoking was at aged 12 – 15 years old. Its very typical now that kids start to smoke at their early age and they does not afraid of the side effect when they smoke.
Survey Box
* Why do you smoke?
* It is fun * Makes me look cool * Influence from friends * Cigarettes is my friend * It helps me think * Im addicted to it since I lighted up my first ciggie!
* When did you start smoking? * Aged 12 -15 * Aged 16 - 20 * Aged 21- 25 * Aged 26 – above
* Do you aware of the side effects when you smoke? Does not that scares you when you smoke?
* Yes * No * Yes, but I will stop anytime soon * No, I smoke but I do exercise too