I say this because this may be one factor, cause, and/or reason why each year more and more students are dropping out of school. Children know that it is important to go to school, because that is where they learn and obtain knowledge that will help them to prepare mentally for adulthood, the workforce, and college. The majority of students that are struggling are continuing to struggle, because school administration and teachers are continuing to put more emphasis on students passing the STAAR exam rather than them actually learning foundational skills that will prepare them for what they are to face in the future academically. Students and teachers must first establish or find out why students think the way that they do, in order for comprehension to begin.
On another note, I am glad that you also like the Accelerated Reader (AR) program. When I was in school, I liked it too. We learned about this program in Week 6 (October 5 – 11). Different Types of Reading Configurations was the topic for that