Urinary incontinence is an under treated condition. Many ladies are too embarrassed or too afraid of surgery to seek help for this common condition that adversely effects their quality of life. Many women unnecessarily endure the social restrictions that leaking urine imposes on them.
Why do some people involuntarily leak urine?
There are a few different types of incontinence:
Stress Urinary incontinence is the most common type, this is when small amounts of urine leak when the person coughs, sneezes, or lifts heavy objects. Jogging and sport can also lead to the leakage of urine. Weak pelvic floor muscles and damaged/poor quality connective tissue lead to SUI. Pregnancy and childbirth causes stretching and weakening of the pelvic floor tissues. Being overweight can also contribute. New studies on patients with SUI and prolapses shows that the quality of the collagen in patients who have these conditions is poorer than patients who did not. It is thought that genetics play a major role in the quality of pelvic floor collagen. What this means is that if your Mom and Gran suffered with Stress Incontinence and you've had a couple of children the chances are that you could also develop Stress Incontinence. The most common cause in gents is prostate surgery. …show more content…
Damaged bladder nerves, nervous system illnesses and bladder muscle damage can lead to urgency. Most people call this type an Overactive Bladder. Illnesses like diabetes, Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis can cause UI. Bladder infections can temporarily cause urgency, as can bladder