violent crimes. Is there a gun law that prohibits people without clean background checks to buy them? Yes there is, it says that some who has has a relatively good clean background check before you end up purchasing a gun. This means if you are not a fugitive, have been in a mental institution, a non citizen or have been dishonorably discharged from service you will get a gun. Essentially as long as you are not running from the police or been locked up for a mental illness you are good to go. Depression and other mental illness are not even on the radar and guns can be purchased in as little as in 3 days from date of your background check. Background checks should include any people who will have access to the weapons. The Sandy Hook shooting in 2012 was committed by someone who had access to a wide range of weapons and had a history of mental illness and depression. The guns belonged to his mother who owned the guns but he had access and never had to have a background check even though he lived in the home. That shooting killed 20 children between the ages of 6-7 years old. Also, if a gun is bought person to person or privately there is no requirement for a background check. Finally, depending where you live anyone can get can a gun no background checks needed. “Some places around the US do not have any background check material and people can purchase guns as they please”-sage journals. I believe this quote really scared me because some places do not care about other people's safety and their health. It looks like all they care about it giving out guns. “ Fifty seven percent of mass shootings have occurred without a background check while buying the gun.”sage journal. This quote terrifies me because 57 percent is not a small number, is the the majority. There have been already 13 school shootings in 2018 so far and it is only February. Obviously something needs to be done about the fact that children cant even go to school and be safe. There should be law that monitor people who did not conduct a background checks and they should be severely punished and would no longer be able to sell guns. This would definitely send a message about how important background checks are and put irresponsible sellers out of business.
Some arguments against gun control are just invalid in my opinion. “A city wide analysis of data pertaining to every US city for the population of at least 25,000 modules were estimated using variables to address endogeneity of gun levels due to reverse casualties.”sage journal. Which means that not all guns are used for murders but also for accidental deaths. This to me shows that we should have stricter gun laws because guns are not just a danger to others but also to ourselves. This shows to me that people need intrusive gun laws to protect themselves and their loved ones.“Gun levels do not have a net negative effect on violence rate” sage journal. This means that guns do promote some violence and they don't have a negative effect on violence. For instance some statistics suggest that gun in the hands of alcoholics produce higher homicide and robbery rates. It also shows that people with mental illness and depression have high rates of assaults by guns. This means by having stricter background checks and taking guns away from alcoholics and people with mental illness and depression we would see homicide, robbery and assault rates decrease. This evidence further shows that if guns were harder to get or more selective violence and suicide rates would go down. The number one argument against stricter gun laws is often heard loudest by gun activist. They believe that their rights are being violated and this goes against their second amendment right to bear arms. “If gun laws were put in place it diminishes our 2nd amendment.” sage journal. I can understand this and believe, our founding fathers put this amendment in place what right do we have to change it? “Our 2nd amendment is in place for a reason.”sage journal. If we start changing amendments where does it stop? What is next our right to a fair trial, freedom of speech or religion. The rights outlined in our constitution that make this country the best in the world. Another argument against stricter gun laws is that criminals are not buying guns legally anyways and stricter guns law will not stop them from purchasing and using guns. Instead it will leave citizens unprotected and disarmed. “Washington DC gun ban worsened the city’s homicide rate” daily wire. Also, studies have been done in Australia and Britain that show gun bans do not work. Next, they argue that criminals are less likely to target someone as a target if they know they have a gun. “The number of defensive uses of guns is higher than the number of criminal gun uses. “ daily wire. “Gun ownership increased by 56 percent, and yet gun violence declined by almost 50 percent between 1993 and 2003.” daily wire. Finally, opponents of stricter guns laws say education is the key. People who are taught how to handle, respect, use, and store guns safely are less likely to cause damage by guns to themselves or others. So the questions remains do stricter guns laws stop violence and crime?
Proponents of stricter guns laws believe mass shootings and other violent crimes would decrease with stricter gun control but opponents believe making guns harder to get will take away our second amendment right to bear arms and that if everyone had a gun they would be able to protect themselves and that in itself would reduce violent crimes. Both sides of the issue has opinions, facts and statistics that support their claims. However, I still stand firm in my conviction for stricter guns laws. I believe the pros definitely out weight the cons. Stricter guns laws should include more comprehensive background checks to include gun owners and anyone who has access to the guns, longer waiting periods, and evaluations for mental illness and depression. These laws should also be extended to private sales. I also think that gun owners should also be required take gun safety classes. The classes should be required for all owners to outline safety, use and storage. I think any life saved by stricter guns laws is worth