
Why Do The Colonists Seek Independence

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Why Do The Colonists Seek Independence
We the colonists seek independence. We feel that it's our natural right to have freedoms. The right to do as we want, but with restrictions that are reasonable. The rules that Britain has given us are against our rights and freedoms. We demand change!

The colonists have governed themselves for 150 years, and now the king wants to control us? There is no way under god's hot sun that we will allow this kind of foolishness. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With the laws that you placed on us like we are some sort of object, and don't have a right to live is inhumane, and they need to be repealed.
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This was all because of your acts, and laws that you have passed. The Stamp Act is a threat to our daily lives. Every paper, diploma, and object that has to have a stamp on it, is taking away money that could be used to feed our families. You of course, dont know how hard it is to work for money, since you get everything that you command. The Declaratory Act is the most ridiculous law that you have ever passed. How dare you feel the right to treat us as if we don't have a say, and be able to make any law that comes to your pebble sized brain. You have even gone to the point in which you make us pay for sitting in our seat. We decided to boycott and carry our own supplies. The result of this lead to our arms and legs aching, but we knew it was worth it. We knew that you would find out, and take us

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