and used only for useful and beneficial purposes. There shouldn’t be any people hunting for animals just because they want to. Farms should be under supervision constantly to make sure animals are being treated properly and if killed, for it to be done humanely. None of this is actually happening although animals as well as humans want to live but are getting their rights violated in many ways.
For example, factory farms are one of the many places where animals get mistreated and live under very cruel circumstances.
Over 99% of farm animals in the U.S get raised in a factory farm where all the animals are put into spaces they can barely even move in. 100 million pigs are used for food every year just in the U.S they are able to live up to 15 years but in factory farms they get slaughtered as young as six months. Male pigs get castrated with no painkillers, just because people don’t like the taste or smell of uncastrated pigs, but what about the pigs? … to avoid tail biting in the very small spaces they are kept in, their tails get cut off as well with no painkillers. Due to selective breeding that happens in these factories animals grow faster and become overweight, which leads to their deaths by chronic pain, heart aches, and mobility
Some people might see it from a different point of view and look at it money wise, they don’t care about what the animals feel all they care about is the money. The amount of meat consumption each year just keeps increasing, in just 2000 the average American ate 195 pounds of meat per person each year which is 57 pounds more than what one person should be eating. So local farmers that work in these factories just look at ways to make more money and get more animals to grow bigger and taste better. For their convenience only they never really think about the animals.
In conclusion i believe that animals shouldn’t get put into factory farms, it is not only hurting them but it is extremely unhealthy for humans as well. Farms deny the medical care for most of these animals they can be withholding very serious medical conditions that can affect the human body. The unsanitary place the animals are raised in can affect humans by polluting the air and water in the neighboring areas of those farms, and once the meat, dairy and even eggs are in the market they can include diseases that hurt the human body, for example salmonella. Therefore, i think animals shouldn’t be raised this way and if killed to be done very humanely.