Whale Talk is a book of many themes. Some of those themes are “Don’t Give Up”, “Independence”, “Abuse”, “Love”, “Happiness”, and “Teamwork”. “Don’t Give Up” is an example of the theme because even though TJ’s dad turns to suicide and drugs in order to cope with the accident, he still decides to take that experience to help out children in need. Another theme is “Independence” because in chapter 15, Kristin Sweetwater finally breaks up with Mike Barbour and actually sticks with the breakup.…
This Killer Whale, Keiko, was born in the wild and captured around the age of two. He was then sold and transferred from Iceland to an amusement park in Mexico, where he lived in a single pool without contact with any other Orcas from 1985 to 1996. The amusement park had a few bottle nosed dolphins in the same program, but for the most part Keiko was alone. Later, Keiko was conditioned to follow a boat and was taken out regularly to do open ocean swims as a part of a research study. During these swims, Keiko was in proximity of other local Killer Whales and eventually his human interaction was limited over the course of a few months. Initially, Keiko’s interaction with the wild Orcas was partial. He and the pod generally moved away from one another. After a few open ocean swims and being taken directly toward the pod, Keiko began to follow the pod within a local vicinity. The pod seemed to tolerate his presence and thus Keiko began to travel with the group. However, after Keiko’s release back into the wild, researchers studied how often Keiko approached the boat. The group reported that he approached the boat roughly sixteen times, this was with minimal interaction on the researchers’ part. (Simon) Moreover, after captivity and immense amounts of human captivity and no social interaction with other Killer Whales for a period of eleven years, releasing Keiko into the wild showed extreme behavioral differences from other wild Orcas in the area. Since the social construct of a pod of Kill Whales is extremely strong, often times outsider whales are left to swim at a certain distance from the pod. Observations were made of Keiko swimming in the vicinity of the group, but there were no observations or research made that showed Keiko apart of the social…