Rape around the world is a serious epidemic. As women we are constantly taught ways on how not to get raped. From a very young age women are taught not to dress provocatively, watch where they walk, don’t lead men on, don’t walk alone especially at night, don’t drink too much, be careful who they talk …show more content…
One out of every six American women has been a victim of attempted or completed rape. Eighty percent are under the age of thirty. Females between the ages 12-34 have the highest risk of being raped, teens ages 16-19 are four times more likely to be assaulted. The number of rapes reported is evenly spread throughout the year but increases by about nine percent in August and has the fewest reports in December, around seven percent. Nearly six out of ten sexual assaults were reported by victims to happen at their home or a friend’s home. Rape is one of the most underreported crimes with an average of 39 percent reported annually. These are things that we should be teaching males because they most likely don’t know any of this. Informing males of the statistics of rape might actually help them learn not to rape and can potentially stop