Preparde by:
Vyacheslav Murashkin
Why do I want to work as an Entrepreneur in Russia?
The answer for this question is pretty straight forward. Russia provides a lot of opportunities for new ventures and creative business ideas. To emphasis this point I've arranged my arguments in 4P format.
1. Place
Being a developing country Russia provides a lot of opportunities to startup new business. More than 20 years pasted since Iron Curtain fell and foreign goods and service flooded Russian market. Some of them were successful some not but there are still a lot of opportunities for Sturbucking ideas from foreign countries and adopting them to Russian reality.
Nowadays Russian economy is relatively strong but highly depended on fossils and other nature resources. To make the economy stronger Russian government need to diversify investments and develop all economy sectors. This means that in the nearest future their will be new business opportunities in different social and economy areas.
2. People
Even create business idea does not mean anything without creative and productive people who are able to bring this idea to live.
Russian eduction system each year produce a lot of specialists in such areas like engineering, math and computer science which provides an opportunity for technological startups.
Russian customer market is has high potential as well. For example luxury segment of Russian market is one of the biggest in the world. People are ready to pay a lot of money for trendy things to distinguish themselves from the crowd.
3. Price
A lot of foreign companies outsource their services in Russia.
There are a lot of region in Russia with relatively low salary. Which provides for international companies an opportunity to outsource such services like call line, software development and scientific research.
4. Product
Being highly educated, people