Judean Jews, one people elected by one God, well founded in Torah. Torah describes how to live according to Gods will (i.e. shema), how to stay pure, and not mix with other people or religions.
Not one people, but internally in a conflict in regard to the use and interpretation of Torah (i.e. Sadducees, Pharisee, Essenes, Qumran), also political conflict in relation to the supremacy of Rome (i.e. Zealot and Herodians).
religiously tolerant mentality makes room for strict legalistic religions to coexist within a Greco-Roman world, Judean religion is strong and rejects in some extend other religions. (DeSilva, 2004, pp41-42+p94)
One language and access for more education and knowledge, economic advantages through trading routes, new possibilities for the aristocracy.
How and why Does Jesus Violate Jewish Purity Codes …show more content…
But Jesus does not avoid contact with common unclean people, instead, he touch lepers, spend time with Gentiles, go to graves or corpses, heals on the sabbath (i.e. purity in the sense of profane and sanctified). Jesus defines a new halakha for his disciples. The clean and sanctified does not become contaminated by but brings cleansing into an unclean environment. He moves the focus of purity from the outer man to the inner, he violates the purity codes to bring Gods mercy to those who needs cleanliness. (deSilva, 2004,