Some animals on Earth have been identified as the closest thing to “aliens” here and it has nothing to do with their physical appearance or abilities. “Dolphins are the nearest thing to intelligent aliens on this planet, but they are our close evolutionary cousins” (Cohen) This is simply because like other animal’s dolphins have second senses that come to them. Dolphins have the ability to sense one another through a sensory organ in their nose. Like dolphins, other animals have a certain sense that humans don’t have that gives them the ability to know when to and where to go (when migrating) even though they weren’t born the last time it had happened in their species, examples are birds flying south, baby sea turtles, whales, and many
Some animals on Earth have been identified as the closest thing to “aliens” here and it has nothing to do with their physical appearance or abilities. “Dolphins are the nearest thing to intelligent aliens on this planet, but they are our close evolutionary cousins” (Cohen) This is simply because like other animal’s dolphins have second senses that come to them. Dolphins have the ability to sense one another through a sensory organ in their nose. Like dolphins, other animals have a certain sense that humans don’t have that gives them the ability to know when to and where to go (when migrating) even though they weren’t born the last time it had happened in their species, examples are birds flying south, baby sea turtles, whales, and many