
Why Have Free Speech Zones Are Important?

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Why Have Free Speech Zones Are Important?
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution entitles the right to freedom of expression, which includes freedom of speech. Freedom of speech allows us the right to express our opinions without government interference. So we have the right to talk about the government, the president and, whomever as long as it does not incite violence. But why do universities feel as if they could take away free speech from individuals? This is why free speech zones are a necessity and should be allowed on college campuses. Free speech zones are important because they allow us to exchange ideas, they allow us to make the school more conductive academically and socially
Free speech zones are important because they allow students to exchange ideas in
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Many argue that the only purpose of the speech zone is to spread hate, which is not the case. Speech zones can be used for positives things like spreading and sharing ideas with fellow peers or even promoting events for college. These events could allow you to meet new people and build relationships. While on the academic rule side of it not all policies are going to be accepted amongst students. With the free speech zones students can talk about issues that they have without the constant fear of punishment from school administration. This could help improve the school because with enough protest about unjust policies the higher ups of the school may have to reconsider and changing the policies. An example of this is an incident that occurred at Modesto Junior College. A student Robert Van Tuinen was stopped by college officials who told him to stop handing out constitutions on constitution day. Tuinen then sued the college both sides reached a settlement, Fire president Greg Lukianoff said that “FIRE is very pleased that Robert Van Tuinen and Modesto Junior College have reached this settlement—and that Modesto Junior College students will now be able to exercise their First Amendment rights across campus.” Lukianoff goes on to say that “59% of colleges nationwide maintain policies that clearly and substantially restrict student speech, there’s much more work to be

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