
Why High School Students Should Not Go To College

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Why High School Students Should Not Go To College
High school graduates are starting to feel that they must go to college. Teachers and counselors sometimes lead us to think that we only have one option to be successful. College might not be for everyone! From my research, I found many articles on reasons why people go to college, reasons they do not go to college, and statistics on going and not going to college. There are many leading factors on why people might not go to college. The financial aspects of college, the tests you must take to get in, or just having no desire to go to college are many factors leading to the reasons people might not go to college at all. Currently I am a high school senior and I have been given the options to go to college. Currently, I am figuring out what …show more content…
For four year schools, they are expecting at least $18,000. In the average household that is almost a breathtaking amount for some. I know for example that not everyone is good at test taking and college requires an ACT score to get in. I have taken the ACT three times and my highest score is a 20. I know that this is not only a struggle for me it is also a struggle for others. It is great that college offers remedial classes for those who do not score high enough on the standardized tests. What is sad is that students who enroll in remedial classes may never show up for class at all. Also, there is numerous amount of people who feel that college is not for them. Choosing a career is not something they find as an easy …show more content…
Often, I feel that people go to college when it is not the best choice. Some do not think of the alternatives that are offered in the surrounding communities. For low income families, I think technology centers are a great idea. There are technology centers all around. Others may find it easier to do self-directed learning to do everything at their own pace. Also, there are many job occupations that do not require a college education. The top ten vocational careers include computer programmers, licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists, paralegals, medical assistants, radiology technicians, graphic designers, dental assistants, pharmacy technicians, and massage therapists. The number of computer programmers should expand up to 12% between 2010 and 2020 according to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics. Meanwhile the salary runs between $71,000 and $14,000. A licensed practical nurse does basically what a registered nurse does they just do it by the help of a registered nurse. The median pay is around $43,000. These are just a few of the many job opportunities that vocational schools offer. A good job does not have to come from a college

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