Plot refers to the arrangement of the story's actions. Any story starts with an introduction in other words an exposition. Let us take Cheever's short story "The Country Husband". This story started by describing a main situation, which had a big influence on the rest of the story. It described the airplane crash experience, which the main character went into. After that, the author described the main character's family, their relations and the way they treat their father. Moreover, this exposition gave us an important piece of information about the setting - the place where the story happened and it was New York City. After that, the conflicts and complication begin to reveal. There could be more than one conflict in fact a story could be …show more content…
For example, the first problem occurred which made the reader feel that there is going to be a problem is when Francis -the protagonist got infatuated with the babysitter and bought her a bracelet. Also, when Francis knew that Anne is engaged. And when he began to treat people rudely which made his wife angry. All these conflicts led us to the main conflict. In other words, it led us to the story climax. The story's tension peaks when Francis had a big fight with Julia and he struck her physically. For that, Julia decided to leave her husband but Francis succeeded in talking her of it. Later, Francis realizes that he is in trouble and he is lost. For that, he sought for help and chose to get it form a psychiatrist. This realization and seeking for solution is called the falling action, which immediately takes us to the resolution of the story. Francis went to the psychiatrist, he advised him to get his hands