I had never considered myself an athletic person, but I was encouraged by my counselors and new friends to participate in volleyball, rock climbing, and archery. I eventually joined a volleyball team, and competed against another camp. I also was part of an a capella group with some of the older campers, and realized how much I love singing and harmonizing with others. Although I don’t still regularly participate in every activity that I tried at this camp, the experience of trying so many new activities in such a short amount of time has made me more adventurous and less risk
I had never considered myself an athletic person, but I was encouraged by my counselors and new friends to participate in volleyball, rock climbing, and archery. I eventually joined a volleyball team, and competed against another camp. I also was part of an a capella group with some of the older campers, and realized how much I love singing and harmonizing with others. Although I don’t still regularly participate in every activity that I tried at this camp, the experience of trying so many new activities in such a short amount of time has made me more adventurous and less risk