A bachelor degree requiring a course load containing classes like Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, and physics. After earning your bachelor's degree, there is the choice of becoming a physical therapist assistant, going to school to earn your DPT or both. Most DPT programs require a clinical internship with supervised experience; "Typically, master’s degrees in physical therapy are not available. Instead, students can enroll directly in physical therapy Ph.D. programs if they have earned a pre-physical therapy bachelor’s degree or have worked as a physical therapy assistant–or a related health care position-and want to transition into a physical therapist job" (Physical Therapy Degrees and Curriculum, learnhowtobecome.org). After obtaining your DPT, you may earn your Physical Therapist license by taking the NPTE (National Physical Therapy Exam). The NPTE is a multiple choice exam written by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, University of Arizona offer bachelor degrees that may start the path towards Physical therapy. Only Northern Arizona University offers a DPT program though. The path to becoming a physical
A bachelor degree requiring a course load containing classes like Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, and physics. After earning your bachelor's degree, there is the choice of becoming a physical therapist assistant, going to school to earn your DPT or both. Most DPT programs require a clinical internship with supervised experience; "Typically, master’s degrees in physical therapy are not available. Instead, students can enroll directly in physical therapy Ph.D. programs if they have earned a pre-physical therapy bachelor’s degree or have worked as a physical therapy assistant–or a related health care position-and want to transition into a physical therapist job" (Physical Therapy Degrees and Curriculum, learnhowtobecome.org). After obtaining your DPT, you may earn your Physical Therapist license by taking the NPTE (National Physical Therapy Exam). The NPTE is a multiple choice exam written by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, University of Arizona offer bachelor degrees that may start the path towards Physical therapy. Only Northern Arizona University offers a DPT program though. The path to becoming a physical