Many professors I have had over the years in the field have talked about their many career changes, and how they got from their first social work career to where they were at that moment. For me I believe I want to eventually end up as a therapist working with clients on a weekly basis, but before then I plan to get every ounce of experience from every population possible so that I will have the ability to treat my clients to the best of my ability.
Throughout my life there are so many positive relationships that have affected my life and my development, and also a lot of relationships and obstacles that have negativity impacted me. The most obvious positive ones are my family; my mom who has loved me so fiercely since day one. She has supported me, and cheered for me every step along the way. Even when I mess up, and trust me I have messed up a lot in my twenty-one years, she has always made it know how much she loves me. Or my dad, who although we don’t always see eye to eye, I know he always, above all else, wants what is best for me. Or my older brother, who has been setting a good example for me for ages, who always listens to me and laughs with me constantly. He blows me …show more content…
I try very hard to keep up on different social issues that have happened, especially recently, which effect people from different races, religions, sexualities, abilities, classes and genders. Being a straight white female, I have realized that I have a certain privilege in the world we live in today. I have never personally and directly been a victim of racism. My religion has never made people fear me. I have never been scared for my life when a cop pulls me over. I have never lived my life secretly because I am afraid of admitting my sexuality to my family or friends. But I know that others do face those things everyday. My approach for working with any person or populations that faces these types of discriminations is to be an ally, and to stand by their side, but to let them take the lead when dealing specifically with the issues that affect them, and don’t affect me. I have friends from all walks of life, all religions, genders, sexualities, abilities and races. I’ve learned to listen, and to learn from them. I love the idea of being able to learn more, and to work with people who are different from me.
I’ve had a lot of bumps in the road this year, however I am now more determined than ever to keep working toward my degree, and toward my future for as long as it takes. I haven’t given up, and even though I am a bit