
Why Illegal Immigrants Are Bad For The United States

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Why Illegal Immigrants Are Bad For The United States
Immigrants made the United States and how it is today. Immigrants come and came from all over the world in search of a better life. If it wasn’t for them then we wouldn’t be here today. But all of these people came here legally. What about the ones who are destroying the United States by coming here illegally? Illegal immigrants are are bad for the United States and are taking away jobs from the ones who are here legally. One reason why illegal immigrants are bad for the United States is because we’re paying for them to be here. The more illegal immigrants the United States the higher the taxes. “Illegal immigrants cost U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year” according to The Federation for American Immigration Reform. That is a lot of money that is being payed for people who are doing something wrong. Wouldn’t you rather want to pay for something …show more content…
citizens need or want. Illegal immigrants come over the border for a better life and a job. The thing is, is the illegal immigrants when they come over they take jobs that legal citizens may need. This means that the people who are here legally are being punished for no reason. It also says that the economy is going down because these illegal immigrants aren’t documented and the legal ones are and are in poverty. The final reason why illegal immigrants are bad for the United States is they cause a higher crime rate in the U.S.. According to Michael Snyder over 100 million illegal immigrants were recorded for sex crimes in just Texas alone. That means these immigrants aren’t only coming over illegal but are causing crime in the U.S. that nobody wants. It’s one thing to come over illegally and not do illegal things but another if you’re coming over and doing illegal things then that makes it even worse. Would you want an illegal immigrant in your neighborhood who causes a threat to children or

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