It may difficult in the begging …show more content…
There is a whole world of information available through different sources, and many times we unfortunately focus on the negative points from two or thee of these sources. We unfairly decide to ignore hundreds of success stories that have helped others to change their lives and see the world through different eyes. According to Miss Ana Karen Carsolio (SIFI1), who currently works at GAPIR in UMAE 14, one of the main reasons why patients decide to put off their therapy is the fear to stigma from those around them. They feel afraid people at work or at home may observe possible physical changes due to the intake of the drugs. They may also fear out someone at home may find out their pills and do not know where to hide them.
Additionally, patients are afraid of possible side-effects they may face, as well as changes they may abruptly incorporate into their daily routines after initiating therapy. The fact that patients do not want to be reminded by themselves about their HIV status is another fear, but at the end this feeling will reverse as they prove themselves that starting therapy was the best decision they relied on. ARVs are the best allied patients will find. No one has ever said starting HIV therapy is the easiest of the decisions ever, but it is also true it will bring countless improvements in your …show more content…
However, there may be others that are considered medium-risk or life-threatening: swelling of the face, eyes, lips, tongue, or throat. If any of these are experienced, it is recommended to stop the medication and refer to your healthcare worker. On the other hand, there is a high probability of not experiencing any of symptoms formerly stated.
It is undeniable that there are other long-term side effects such as: kidney problems, liver damage, diabetes, heart disease, triglycerides, fat storage, osteoporosis, among some others. Despite all these side-effects, bear in mind that these symptoms may take months or even years to appear and may not affect patients the same way. Ultimately, this is not a reason to fear out because you will encounter greater results in your immune system improvement than actual health deterioration.
Growing Old with