Even though air bags are designed to protect and save, seat belts should still be worn at all times. Wearing a seat belt helps to keep the passenger or driver stable in their seat during the collision, and can help reduce injuries that an air bag may inflict. Of course, it's also highly recommended to keep all children and/or small adults in the back seat, secured by their seat belts. This goes back to the original design of the air bag, which was meant to protect the full grown man or woman. If there is absolutely no way for the child to sit in the back, then usually it's better to have the seat pushed all the way back, so that the air bag cannot hit them. If the air bag did hit the child, there is the possibility of the child being majorly injured or even losing it's life. Air bags are now required to be put in any new cars being manufactured, as to reduce as many lives lost as possible. An air bag must be designed in a way that it can inflate within 40 milliseconds and also must be able to tell the difference between an actual collision and a minor
Even though air bags are designed to protect and save, seat belts should still be worn at all times. Wearing a seat belt helps to keep the passenger or driver stable in their seat during the collision, and can help reduce injuries that an air bag may inflict. Of course, it's also highly recommended to keep all children and/or small adults in the back seat, secured by their seat belts. This goes back to the original design of the air bag, which was meant to protect the full grown man or woman. If there is absolutely no way for the child to sit in the back, then usually it's better to have the seat pushed all the way back, so that the air bag cannot hit them. If the air bag did hit the child, there is the possibility of the child being majorly injured or even losing it's life. Air bags are now required to be put in any new cars being manufactured, as to reduce as many lives lost as possible. An air bag must be designed in a way that it can inflate within 40 milliseconds and also must be able to tell the difference between an actual collision and a minor