
Why Is An Embryo Wrong

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Why Is An Embryo Wrong
Does an embryo experience pain? If the answer to this is yes, then it is easy to confirm that manipulating and discarding embryo is wrong. Is the embryo a person? During the embryo stage, the heart and nervous system are formed, meaning that they can experience pain and are considered a human. If the embryo is destroyed, this can cause pain. Therefore, destroying an embryo is wrong. The nervous system develops very early in life, so the nervous system is an important feature to produce pain and sensation. There are two important aspects in biomedical ethics, is the intention to kill and leading somebody die. Therefore, by destroying an embryo we are killing. Furthermore, everyone should have the right to live, we cannot choose who die or who …show more content…
Thus, a person born by invitro fertilization is not less natural, so it is a life that was fertilize in a invitro plane, but a person that experience pain and feeling as any other person does. Thus, it should be treated with respect and value. Overall, every person deserves to be, and never to be discriminate. An embryo with “disability” is as value as an embryo that is physically fit. Thus, it is not ethical and right to discriminate embryo based on their physical fitness, because by doing it, doctors are discriminating. Thus, discrimination is wrong, if we discriminating embryo based on their physical fitness, then we are killing, discriminating and deciding who dies and who lives. A person with a different physical fitness, it is not less valuable than another that is considered “normal”. Additionally, from the physician and health perspective probably, it would be right to discard embryos whose lives are going to be painful. For instance, those with complicated malformations. However, the problem is again that we are intending to kill instead of leading die. It is difficult to predict whether the embryos prefer to die rather than to live suffering. Thus, we should not decide for somebody’s lives, but themselves

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