So with the increase in teenage pregnancy and the age of teenagers becoming sexually active, who do we rely on to teach the teenagers about sexual intercourse and preventing pregnancy? Someone needs to teach them. Most parents want to believe they have a great relationship with their teenagers. Parents also want to believe their teenagers will talk to them about anything, including sex. Many teenagers say it's easier to talk about sensitive subjects, like sex, with friends, rather than adults. And who would blame them? Many teenagers do not think their parents will understand. We have all felt this way at some point in our lives. It's human instinct, especially a teenager's instinct, to go straight friends when you need advice. By doing this, teenagers might be missing out on some important info -- not to mention …show more content…
Do you think if teenagers where given birth control devices this would become lower? Unmarried teenagers having children account for 24% of all unmarried expectant mothers. We all know that rate is too high and we need to do something to lower it. Becoming a parent is hard enough, but when you become a teenage parent, that is even harder. There are many obstacles a teenager runs into becoming a parent. Teenagers who become pregnant are less likely to finish high school let alone go to college. Also, when a teen girl becomes pregnant, she may be less likely to get the proper medical care needed during her pregnancy. She may hide the fact that she is pregnant or be in denial. This could increase the risk of low birth rate and complication for both mother and baby. Babies born to teenagers are at a greater risk of abuse or neglect. Young mothers are uncertain about their roles and may be frustrated by the constant demands of taking care of a baby. Teenagers are more likely to live in poverty or live on welfare. Billions of dollars are spent on teenage mothers and their children. Do you think we should be using some of that money to be teaching about birth control and how to properly use them? Teenagers need to be given birth control and instructions on how to properly use the birth control to help to lower the high