and the Gestapo were established under Göring. As a nation Göring was the most beloved leader among the citizens and foreign leaders (Manvell). However, when the Luftwaffe failed to win the Battle of Britain, Göring lost face.
He took this as a sign and went into retirement. While in retirement, he relapsed. Göring’s mental health was horrendous, but Hitler refused to acknowledge it and named Göring his successor. Suicide took the life of Hitler and Göring. After Hitler took his life Göring acquired control, but promptly surrendered to the Americans. He was sentenced to be hung but he could not take anymore, thus he ended his life (Manvell). Hermann Göring was a loyal friend, but he was no leader. When it really counted, he could not perform, but because he surrender thousands of people were saved and life began to ameliorate