Emily Atwell
Gay marriage and gay people in general have definitely been a hot topic in all sorts of American news, tabloids, radio shows, and websites galore. It's something that for many years was under the "don't ask, don't tell" policies, as stated back in 1994 when the US armed forces began to accept gays, lesbians, bisexual, or transgender into its arms. Until lately, gays have been a taboo in almost every country, especially South Korea.
I, to be frank, think gay marriage is wonderful! It seems that good 'ole Christians are some of the only people that are rejecting this in the case that it was "Adam and Eve, not Larry and Steve." Now, does that not sound ridiculous to you? One large argument is that it'll harm the children.
I read a comic strip one time that shows two men sitting in front of a man at a desk who is holding papers. The man at his desk says "We know you'll keep it cleaned of litter and make sure it's lights always work. It's that we're afraid you'll change its direction." The caption is: "When gay couples try and adopt a highway." Now tell me that is not stupid. If you think on gays adopting children, what is the difference in not having a mommy and daddy and having two dads or two moms? Don't you think they'd do just as well of a job as the mommy and daddy? It gives orphans a chance to try again-- sure, it's with two mommies, two daddies, but how is that any different? If single dads and single mothers can raise children, gay parents can too.
A solution that, recently, has begun to occur is the legalization of gay marriage. As of now, there are 14 states that same-sex marriage is legal in. The five that were declared by court decision were California, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. The six that were changed by state legislature are Delaware, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Three, on the other hand, were changed by popular vote: Maine, Maryland, and Washington. This leaves 35 states that ban same-sex marriage. Additionally, New Mexico is the only state that has neither law banning nor legalizing same-sex marriage.
Is it that hard to let two people love? Sure, they're of the same gender, but who cares? It's not like that makes them evil monsters. And if it does, you need to reorganize your life.