“Allowing boys and girls play on the same team will build friendships” (Reason). Also learning from opposite sex as a friend, learning from the opposite sex can help them and that can stick with them for a while. If girls play on boys teams girls can push boys to be better because no boy wants to be beat by a girl. Also in coed sports there is no one size fits all time when genders should be separated in sports. Some girls develops faster than boys do. But boy and girls can also be bad because sometimes a girl can work harder than boy. But then say boys and girls were to go coed. Boys might protest and not work with them which could be really bad. No boy wants to work with a girl especially if they can beat them. But boys and girls could help the world work a little better because there will be more friendships and it might even stop people from doing drugs. If it could stop people from doing drugs the world would turn around so much. Also if girls would play on boys sports team we could make history. That would be so cool if our generation made …show more content…
Girls are known to be weak. Also girls are known to be smarter, to get better grades, a better body image and less depression. But really if girls turn to the right mindset they work just as hard as a guys does. But men do have more capability of the athletic ability because they were built to be strong. Also men respond higher degree than females do. Men obtain more strength than females do also. But females do have a higher toleration of pain than boys do. Boys can't take pain like girls can. But we do need to consider that females do develop faster than boys, coed sports motivate athletes to compete and train together for the benefit of the team. This encourages an athlete to take pride in their accomplishments and demonstrates confidence in their ability. Also team players can learn from one another and that will just help make the team stronger. But also if co ed sports do happen people are afraid that girls will get hurt in contact sports. We also need to consider that there can be a lot more hospital visit if we do turn into coed sports team. But also if we do turn into coed teams boys might be afraid to hit a girl because if they get hurt the boy will be known as a bad person. Which isn't good. There is just a lot of things to consider if boys and girls do play on the same