Reading Programs Have a Major History and Current Complication
Difficulties in reading are the most serious issue among developmental students. Community colleges and reading programs offer a variety of support for many students who have a difficulty in English.
Colleges with common reading programs tend to match many students to the right classes …show more content…
Having college-level textbook may bring up many problems for many college students are not quite at the reading level a textbook is written. Is where the reading programs come in which some college are providing for students who are reading lower than the thirteen grade level.
When students are not reading at the thirteen levels, there are many reasons why this happens it could come to not having help with reading or writing in high school before they come to college. Another reason not all college students read at a college level is that it could be a returning student who took time out from going to school.
III. The reason why maintaining college reading programs in colleges/universities.
College reading programs are beneficial for many students who are struggling with English and many subjects that come with the use of reading and writing.
For many students in college have mentioned these college reading programs have helped them with their education and lifestyle. As a formal student who had benefits with reading classes, these classes have helped me in many