Why is it justifiable to describe TCD’s Exam Hall as ‘classical’?
Michele Fox-Bell
Submission Date: 7th December, 2012
“Classicism’ a revival of or return to the principles of Greek or Roman art and architecture. Although most phases of medieval and later European art have to some extent been influenced by antiquity, the term ‘classicism’ is generally reserved for the styles more consciously indebted to Greece and Rome.”1 In this essay I will discuss why the Examination Hall in Trinity College Dublin can be considered a classical building.
In the first century BC, the Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius wrote his ten books of architecture. In these books, De Architectura, he detailed the Greek and Tuscan orders as a reference point for future architects. In 1563, Giacomo da Vignola wrote his treatise, The Five Orders of Architecture, which was considered to be a guide for architects and builders throughout Europe. During the Renaissance, Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), wrote the The Four Books of Architecture, these books encompassed the classical architecture of Greece and Rome. It is from these roots that the Neo-Classical architects developed their approach to design, considering its form and function for both private and civic buildings throughout the 17th century.
The Examination Hall in Trinity College, Dublin, stands in Parliament Square. Designed by the architect Sir William Chambers, but realised by Christopher Myers, and completed in 1785. Entering the college through the classical portico of the West Front of Trinity College, one emerges into a beautiful, elegant and enormous space consisting of two squares, Parliament Square, a cobblestoned quadrangle, and Library square, which is set with lawns and trees. With the Campanile at the axis between the two, to the left of this is the Chapel (1787-98), Dining Hall (1760-5), and the Graduates memorial building (1892), at the back of the square stands the Rubrics
Bibliography: Fleming, J., Honour, H., and Pevsner,N., (1999) The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (Fifth Edition). London: Penguin Books Ltd. Casey, C. (2005) The Buildings of Ireland, Dublin. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Chau,R. and Lin,R. (2012) 1591 Villa Rotunda Vincenza, Italy. Andreas Palladio. Designtheory.fiu.edu/documents/paper_palladio.pdf McParland,E. (Feburary, 1975) ‘Who was P?’ Architectural Review, CLVII:936, 71-3 4. McParland, E. ‘Who was P.?’ (February 1975) 1 Pevsner, Fleming and Honour, (1999), Architecture and Landscape Architecture.