Our Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) spectrum for our Acetaminophen KBr pellet provided a handful of strong peaks and hints that helped us to hypothesize what functional groups might be in Acetaminophen. The peaks that were at the highest wavenumbers were analyzed first. The strong peak at 3325.82 cm-1 was an indicator that there was stretching occurring between a Hydrogen and Nitrogen atom. This signified that Acetaminophen could contain an amide group. The next defined peak is located at 3162.26 cm-1, and the section between these two peaks has a slight broad descend.…
The “pattern” to the skeleton of the human arm that was discovered by Sir Richard Owen was: one bone, two bones, lotsa blobs, and digit pattern. This pattern relates to his idea of exceptional similarities because it shows the basic structure of arms or legs of mammals. 2. How did Charles Darwin’s theory explain these similarities that were observed by Owen?…
The intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment most deeply influenced what emerging class in Europe? P.545…
Darwin was also able to conclude the finches shared a common ancestor from the written works of Charles Lyell and Thomas Malthus. While sailing on the Beagle toward the island, he was able to read and analyze Charles Lyell's Princeples of Geology which, discussed in great detail, the Jean Batispe Lamarck theory of evolution. He believed animal structures evolved over time due to frequent use or disuse, and was eventually passed through to their offspring. For example he proposed the lengthing of the giraffe's neck was due in part to the trees it lived among. In order for it to obtain its food it had to crane its neck forward and reach up. Lamarck, believe, over time, the giraffes structure eventually began to get longer and longer as it was…
Marc Ching-A-Ling-A-Ding-Dong Kool-Aid Drinking Cult Loves Saying "Marc Ching Has Brought Awareness To The Horrific Dog Meat Trade, But Is That Accurate?…
f. Lamarck: proposed first theory of evolution, incorrect mechanisms in which he said it depends on what the organism does in its lifetime for what it will pass down.…
MM.19 Which scientist is considered to be the first student of natural history, the study of the variety…
Cook, H., & Bestman, H. D. (2000). A Persistent View: Lamarckian Thought in Early Evolutionary Theories and in Modern Biology. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 52, 86-97.…
3. What is Jean Baptiste de Lemark's theory that new traits arise in organisms according to need somehow being passed onto their descendants?…
Some contributors to these oppositions were Charles Darwin and Eugene Dubois. The book went into more detail about these two characters in the book. The author talks about them in detail because they too helped Johanson to fill in the gaps of his insufficient data about Lucy. Dubois had also found fossils of a “Java ape-man.” He believed that Neanderthals were the evolution of humankind. The author explained that Dubois had read Darwin’s theory of apes’ evolution, but that he did not completely understood what Darwin really meant. Darwin believed that there were linkages between apes and Neanderthals, but that in between these two species there needed to be another of the two…
Introduced into the scientific lexicon by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck in 1809,[23] evolution was established by Charles…
Biology revealed many aspects of how the human body works and what it needs to stay healthy. “In 1953 James D. Watson and Francis Crick discovered that DNA was structured as a double helix (Friedman & Schustack, 2009). This discovery was a huge accomplishment in the study of human biology. Charles Darwin took human biology a step further. Darwin used the fact that not one human being is the same to support his evolutionary personality theory. Darwin believes that humans are “people evolved directly from more primitive species (Friedman & Schustack, 2009).” For example, Brian G. Richmond and David S. Strait wrote an article called “Evidence that humans evolved from a knuckle-walking ancestor (Richmond and Strait, 2000).” This article explains that evidence has surfaced proving that humans could have once been gorillas.…
For several centuries, it has been researcher’s goal in science to find the human race, ancient ancestry. From the time of Charles Darwin’s, Theory of Evolution, anthropologists, paleontologist and other researchers from various fields have been discovering and identifying human origins. The quest to find human’s oldest ancestor was the missing link in the human evolution tree. The “missing link” was eventually discovered in Hardar, Ethiopia by Dr. Donald Johanson, an American paleoanthropologist. According to Johanson, Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) represented the missing link between apes and humans. She was our oldest human ancestor, the ape who walked upright. According to Dr. Donald Johanson, Lucy was one of the greatest paleoanthropological finds of the 20th century, but to others, Johanson’s discovery and methodology of identifying Lucy had many flaws and contradictions to his theory.…
Charles Darwin in 1859 published On the Origin of Species, he explained his theory of evolution. He presented evidence that would further explained his reasoning. The first Darwin looked at the fossils and looked at the geological layers. Next compared the structural of the human hand, bird wing, and a cat paw and hinted that we come from common ancestors. His finally observation was the dramatic change in domestic plants and animals by selective breeding. Darwin believed that species started to change their structure, psychology, and behavior that would help with…
History can be found written from 3500 BC in Egypt but dates back from much farther back in time. It has been around since the beginning of mankind, in the beginning many scientists and theologist argue about. Whether a person believes humans came from evolution or a God, everyone knows there was a first. A first human whom taught his mistakes, lessons, and culture onto the next which would become history.…