Peter Singer, a wrold renowned animal rights activist travels to New York, and walks around 5th Avenue, which has high-end, boutique stores, for luxury shopping, and raises the question, is their something unethical about the way we spend our money?
The argument being raised by Peter Singer is if ethics is the study of choices we as humans make, and we make the choice to spend lots of money on these types of items that reflect our social …show more content…
Peter concludes with saying that as people, we have the moral obligation to be good, honest, caring, and ethical people in our lifetime, but we also have the moral obligation to help the people less fortunate as ourselves.
So what’s the …show more content…
My overall evaluation is that Singers altruistic and utilitarian approach towards our species morality and ethics as a whole raises a good point on how we as people think about our own actions.
Yes, someone that goes out and buys a new sports car, isn’t necessarily hurting anyone, but if the person knows there are people starving everyday and makes the decision to purchase the sports car rather than help to feed the starving people, all across the globe.
So, is the purchasing of the sports car unethical?
What I take away from Peter Singers ideas is just the mere fact he wants people to consciously start thinking about the consequences and scope of everyday decisions people make, and determine if whether or not they can adopt a more ethical and responsible approach able to make those decisions , and start realizing their own moral obligations to this