When my parents started me in recreational soccer, they began my journey with the sport and instilled my passion for the game. Through the back of the small net that my Dad had constructed for my siblings and I out of a complex system of four by four beams and a large black net, I see myself chasing down my brother …show more content…
Being apart of a club team would consist of more commitment from both of my parents and myself, as well as increase skills and create friendships that would accompany me all through high school. At the Fuad complex, from the net in the far right field, I see myself meeting each of my teammates from our youth RYSA team, Venom. Each day of the week consisted of some sort of soccer for me now that I had made it onto the highest level, RYSA’s C1, competitive team. Every other night we would practice, with Coach John Swanson teaching us every skill under the sun. I had decided by the time I reached Venom in the 5th grade that I wanted to play defensively. With that, I learned the skills and techniques required for a defender. I would run Swanson’s words through my head as we scrimmaged, “Get there quickly, get under control and on your toes, and wait for the mistake.” The method that I had learned from my coach provided the skills and mindset that would allow me to further my soccer career successfully and obtain a better understanding for the game. To the right of me, on the back line of defense, was Olivia Korngable. As we slowly warmed up to each other’s large personalities, we learned eachothers strengths and weaknesses. Liv was a solid player and never seemed to make mistakes. In many ways, I looked up to her aggression and level of play. In addition to Liv, Venom had Erin …show more content…
Through the net at Lourdes, I visualize 24 girls running eagles back and forth from each line. When I first began on varsity, Coach Groven’s expectations, conditioning, and training plans were even harder than what I had experienced in RYSA. Every year in the late summer, we have two a days for 3 weeks, and after 4 years of intense dedication, I have began to realize how much the training has impacted my character. Every day that practice is scheduled, rain or shine, sleet or snow, we work hard to meet goals. Our current school year marks my fourth year on varsity, and fifth year being a part of the program. We began the season just like the previous, with intense weight training and two a days. While shooting at the net as we each strike the ball towards the net, we keep up the rate of intensity until we can end on a goal that is outstanding, and each of us are satisfied. So far, my senior season has been my most successful out of all my years in Lourdes Soccer. We have won 12 games, lost 3, and tied one, making us the Conference Champions of the Hiawatha Valley