
Why Is Stem Cell Research Unethical

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Why Is Stem Cell Research Unethical
Stem cell research is an emotive subject. Some maintain that it is unethical to introduce stem cell research. While others believe that stem cell research could potentially help save many lives. With the advances in stem cell research, we should now be able to help save people who are affected with such diverse diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Stem cells also have the capability to aid others with debilitating diseases and to help those who have suffered damage to critical organs from accidents. Christopher Reeves, who was paralyzed in a riding accident, is well renown to support stem cell research. However, other people believe that stem cell research remains unethical due to the fact that the best way to retrieve stem cells is essentially from embryos, which are destroyed so the cells are taken from them. A large number of those who do oppose the research believe that the use of embryos is murder, since many religions such as the Catholic Church, believe that the embryo has a soul and so the use of embryos for stem cell research is considered murder and a sin. …show more content…
One way would be to take them from an adult source however these cells may not be as abundant as cells taken from embryos. There is also a possibility that the cells could be harvested from the umbilical cords, which are donated by women who have just delivered a baby. Of course, there are other instances of stem cells being taken from aborted babies. The argument here is that the mothers do not want to keep the child as so why not donate them to stem cell research in order that they may help save somebody else. There are also embryos, which are left at fertility clinics, which are going to be destroyed and again, why not donate them to stem cell

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