Mary Jo Loftin
3 8-4-15 Stem Cell Research: Right or Wrong?
Many people believe that stem cell research could be helpful or destructive. Stem cells are the body's raw materials. They are cells from which any other cells with specialized functions are generated. They can be used to become a specialized cell(s) (differentiation) with a more specific function such as brain cells, heart muscle or bone, blood cells. Stems cells are useful because no other cell in the human body has the (natural) ability to generate new cell types. The positive benefits of stem cell research involves many things. The first reason is medical benefits. These medical benefits are in the therapeutic sector of regenerative medicine and …show more content…
One unethical belief is that people believe that the embryonic stem cell(s) is extracted from the human being embryo. Some people disapprove of this method because when an human egg is fertilized it is considered to be a living thing. By extracting the embryonic stem cells from the human egg they never implant it back into a woman's uterus. They cannot use adult stem cells because it is not versatile or durable as an embryonic stem cell(s). Adult stem cells cannot produce all types of cells, so it is limited in the use of treating diseases. Adult stem cells are most likely to have abnormalities due to the environmental hazards. The long term side effects of stem cell research is still unknown, so stem cell research is still questionable. There's even a chance the body can reject these stem cells, because it did not come from the same human host. This can cause many problems. Embryonic stem cells could grow irregularly and specialize in different cell types spontaneously. It is also believed that human cloning might be involved as well, despite success in a number of