
Why Is The Death Penalty Unjust

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Why Is The Death Penalty Unjust
The death penalty has decreased in the amount of times they do it due to the extremely difficult process to be condemned and executed by the state. So far there have been a total of seven people this year. Since 1976 they have used five ways, hanging ”3”, firing squad ”3”, lethal injection”1274”, Electrocution”158”, and the gas chamber “11”, to end the criminal's life. (Facts about the Death Penalty). The average cost for the death penalty is 1.9 million to 3 million. The use of the death penalty has been declined around the world due to people believing it would not be acceptable. Throughout human life, humans have successfully convinced others that the death penalty is an appropriate punishment for someone breaking a law, by giving points …show more content…
One reason they would possibly give is that it is unjust because it could be an innocent person that was killed but you can not bring that person back to life after you figure out that they are innocent. There are no second chances when you take the person's life so you would have to be completely sure that this person is guilty. In our current time it will be easier to tell that the person is innocent or not by using their dna to compare the dna found on the victim's’ body. The family of the victim will think that the only way that they will be satisfied is if the other person was to be killed but then they will feel even worse because they wanted that person to be killed. The people will only be satisfied when they commemorate his/her life and realize that everything that happens is for a …show more content…
In the constitution it is says that, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted” some people would include the death penalty as a cruel and unusual punishment even though that method has been used for centuries (Baltzell). In the declaration of independence it says that we all have the right to life “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (Baltzell). People should have the right to live but when they do something so awful they lose that they should be punished and some people believe that they should not be killed to be their appropriate punishment. The main reason to have the death penalty is to scare the other criminals to not keep killing. In some studies it shows that the number of homicides has not decreased due to the amounts of the times that the death penalties have been

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