The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country well known for its money problems. Every day the country endures in work harder than most people in the UK can imagine, these problems can be sorted into three different sectors, historical, social economics or environmental issues. Poverty is most severe in the country’s rural areas where people are more isolated and there is little investment. The country has faced many unfortunate historical events in the past causing the country to be left in poverty today.
Despite the country’s potential, there are several causes of poverty in Congo, problems such as difficulties in marketing because of weak collection and distribution organizations, this problem would be categorized as a social economics problem because the cause of this problem is not having enough money and the effect this has on the country is negative as it narrows down their opportunities, and limits their choices as a country.
Some of the many problems that the DRC face, are just a result of not having enough money, therefore it does not take them long to build up more and more problems. As the country gets poorer the problems get bigger and eventually the opportunity to solve the problem is no longer available, an example of this situation; when the DRC came independent in 1960, the country has slowly come to fail as a result of its lack of infrastructure and the massive impact that the civil war left them with, this had given the country a need for money, therefore they called upon a fellow country to ask to borrow money, however as times change and the law changes with it, the debt that originally could have been to pay off only 10% more could in just a few years time become 20%, and this continues to happen over the years until the debt becomes unplayable.
In the DRC the country is filled with different acts of conflict, this is partly attributable to the conflict that spilled from neighboring Rwanda and an ongoing civil war