In today’s fast paced business global environment, customers are seeking quality customer service and satisfaction to compliment a good/service purchased (Longenecker, Petty et al. 2003; Heaney 2010; Longenecker, Petty et al. 2010). While all businesses can provide quality customer satisfaction, small business has a far greater potential to achieve this goal due to advantages of being highly flexible, offering unique goods/services (due to the lack of corporate policy and bureaucracy) and the ability to serve customers directly (Longenecker, Petty et al. 2003; Heaney 2010; Longenecker, Petty et al. 2010). It is this personal interaction and relationship focus that can truly provide a quality difference (Longenecker, Petty et al. 2003; Tjan 2009; Heaney 2010; Longenecker, Petty et al. 2010).
Large firms have often failed at providing enough customer satisfaction due to the lack of a personal touch, often given by a smaller business (Murray 2003; Tjan 2009). Tjan’s explains that large companies often associate customer service and satisfaction to standard operating procedures and scripted answers (Tjan 2009). This perception of service can often create frustration and lacks the empathy and common sense approach that a flexible small business can bring to the relationship(Tjan 2009) .
Large companies like BT and Xerox
References: Heaney, C. (2010). Great personal service wins for small business - study. The Herald Sun. Melbourne.