Abstract. In today’s ever changing competitive environment, business cannot survive unless they satisfy their customers. The delivery of after sales service by a company is critical in satisfying customer needs and perceptions. In order to have quality after sales service a proper delivery system has to be in place. This is an empirical study on after sales quality of Pakistan’s automotive battery manufacturer. The research measured the quality of service in Atlas Battery, selling product with the brand name of AGS by using the Servqual method. The data was collected using an instrument from previous study to study the impact of quality of after sales services on customer satisfaction. The main variables effecting customer satisfaction are product quality and social responsibility. The results reveal that customer satisfaction increases with better service delivery. Keywords: Sales service, customer expectation, human capital, service delivery system, customer satisfaction.
IQRA University, Islamabad Pakistan 5, Khayaban-e-Johar, H-9 Islamabad, Pakistan Email: nazimhussainaiou@gmail.com
Waheed Akbar BHATTI
IQRA University, Islamabad Pakistan 5, Khayaban-e-Johar, H-9 Islamabad, Pakistan Email: sarrsabz@gmail.com
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad Sector H-8, Islamabad, Pakistan Email: jilanis_fsd@yahoo.com
Management & Marketing Challenges for the Knowledge Society (2011) Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 561-572
Management & Marketing
The concept of customer service started in 19th century. In after sales services delivery of service, installations and warranty are significant elements. Customer satisfaction level can be increased either by lowering the expectations of the customers or by improving the customer’s perception of a service (McColbugh, Berry and Yadav, 2000). When we make a purchase we have many yard sticks to measure the
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