Forensic psych
Prof. Jenkins What Causes A Person To Murder?
Some people are able to control anger or frustration and channel these feelings to nondestructive outlets. Others, like the man who killed all the elementary school children at Sandy Hook Elementary school, exhibit a frightening lack of control. People are often confronted with feelings of disappointment, frustration and anger as they interact with government officials, co-workers, family and even fellow commuters. Most can control their actions to the extent that relatively few of these interactions end in violence. The attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, democrat from Arizona shows, however, sometimes the cognitive control mechanisms required to guide one's behavior are either nonexistent or ignored, with disastrous consequences. What are the causes of violence? Mostly cognitive control, or to use a less technical term, self-control. University of Michigan professor of social psychology Richard Nisbett, the world's greatest authority on intelligence, plainly said that he'd rather have his son being high in self-control than intelligence. Self-control is key to a well-functioning life, because our brain makes us easily susceptible to all sorts of influences. Watching a movie showing violent acts predisposes us to act violently. Even just listening to violent rhetoric makes us more inclined to be violent. Ironically, the same mirror neurons that make us empathic make us also very vulnerable to all sorts’ influences. This also may leave people asking the question, will video games make my child more violent and more likely to commit murder rather than a child/person who does not play violent video games. Yes and no. yes because if u put any young child in front of the new call of duty for a couple of days even a couple of hours, you will see a behavior change in the child. The child will obviously start to mimic what he sees being done in the game.