Calling all staff nurses! Have you ever wanted a voice as a staff nurse to help make decisions in your work environment and the care you provide to your patients? Great! Just sit back and relax while you hear about a leadership style that will allow you to be part of a team that works together to collaborate in making decisions. According to Watters (2009), “nursing leaders are continually seeking ways to improve the work environment in their organizations” p.26. Shared leadership will allow nurses to control their practice as well as influence administrative areas. This type of nursing leadership has been revitalized since the brand new nursing shortage (Hess, 2004). Shared leadership is a new concept to Beebe Medical Center (BMC). Recently, the cardiovascular operating room team implemented this style of leadership within their facility. Being a member of this team as an open heart operative nurse and sharing this type of leadership has been rewarding. It has allowed us to have more control of our working environment, accountability, ownership, and a better working relationship with our cardiac-thoracic surgeons. BMC wants to build a shared vision of a professional leadership model for nursing, and a work environment and culture devoted to nursing control over practice. Why is this happening you may ask? BMC wants to improve the nursing work environment, overall nursing satisfaction, and retention/recruitment of their nurses. What is Shared Leadership? According to Hess (2004), shared leadership is “an organizational model through which nurses control their practice as well as influence administrative areas.” Shared leadership is a process that empowers staff to be part of making decisions and to solve problems as a group. “Shared leadership is one in which staff members feel empowered to create a healthy environment toward a common goal of excellence in practice.” (Fallis & Altimer, 2006)
References: Fallis, K., & Altimer, L. (2006). Shared Leadership: Leading from the bottom up. Newborn and Infant Reviews, 6(1), 6. Hess, R. G. (2004). From bedside to boardroom-nursing shared governance. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 9(2). Tim Porter-O 'Grady Associates health care for the future) Porter-O 'Grady, T. (2003-2008). Tim Porter-O 'Grady Associates: Health care for the future. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from Watters, S. (2009). Shared leadership: Taking flight. The Journal off Nursing Administration, 39(1), 26-29.