As the glistening snowflakes fall from the sky, you might be thinking that the delegate snowflakes are just white specks that fall occasionally. However, they are so much more. Have you ever wondered how snowflakes are formed, the temperature it has to be for it to snow, or a snowflakes appearance/ It is so fascinating, lets go learn about snowflakes.
To begin with, snowflakes have the most astonishing way of forming. According to the article, "Snow Day'', it says ''When water that has been evaporated and risen to a specific level in the atmosphere and the temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit or less. The water will change from a gas to a solid, which creates ice crystals". The freezing ice crystals then clump and combine together to make snowflake. That is how snow3flakes are formed. Was that how you thought it would be. …show more content…
After that, in order for the snow to stick, the air and ground temperatures have to be perfect.
As seen in the article, ''Snow Day'', "The air temperatures have to be between 15-32 degrees Fahrenheit''. The ground temperature is usually hotter that the air temperature because the ground absorbs more heat from the sun. Which means the ground temperature must be colder than 32 degrees Fahrenheit or colder in order for the snow to stick. This is what is needed to create a fantastic day to sled.
Finally, no two snowflakes have the same unique appearance. According to the article, "Snow Day'', "Ice crystals combine in mostly hexagonal shapes making them six sided. Occasionally water molecules form ice crystals with 3 or 12 sides. The atmosphere in each cloud is amazingly different, so a unique pattern is formed for each individual snowflake. Snow is not really whiten it actually is colorless. It looks sparkling white, because of the shiny reflection from the sun. According to Snow Facts for
Through out our difficult research we have discovered that snowflakes are not just random specks in the air. When water evaporates and then returns to solid form due to cold temperatures, ice crystals form around dust particals in the air then they combine with each other in hexagonal shapes. The temperature for snow to occur has to be 32 degrees Fahrenheit or less. Each snowflake has its own unique six sided appearance. Now that we know all these wonderful things about snowflakes. Are you ready to put your mittens on and go outside and play.