Stereotypes trigger social categorization - classifying people into groups based on similar characteristics - which is one of the reasons for prejudice attitudes since it leads to the formation of in-groups and out-groups (i.e. the “them” and “us” mentality). According to the article …show more content…
Through the article, “Why Stereotypes are bad even when they’re ‘good’”, Oliver Burkeman sheds light on the fact that good stereotypes, meaning stereotypes regarding appealing traits, can also be harmful. He illustrated this through a study by the Duke University, which stated that good stereotypes might even be worse, due to the fact that people don’t actually realize the harm they cause while stereotyping. The study compromises two of the most long-standing stereotypes about black people: that they’re more prone to violence and better at sports. When white people were asked to estimate the probability that an African-American might commit a crime, people exposed to the positive stereotype (better at sports) rated the probability higher than those exposed to the negative one (more prone to violence) did, drawing attention to the conclusion that the so-called good stereotypes led stronger negative beliefs about black people than the bad ones