Why the world should not be living smaller.
With an ever-changing world, we cannot afford to be living smaller for the sake of others, let alone ourselves.
Our economy is already unstable as it is. If people decide to live smaller, the rotation of money will slow down, only aiding the cease of the economy.
Wants drive the economy. People buy what they want, and that keeps money in circulation. The world survives on the economy, and having a slow circulation of money is not going to continue this. When people stop buying maybe excessive, but enjoyable goods they are supporting you, as well as others. But if they stopped doing this, you wouldn’t receive the income.
9.1% (roughly 730 million) of the population is currently unemployed in the world. With people deciding to live on less, this statistic is only going to rise and before we know it, some people won’t even be able to live all because others are living smaller. You may think that you are only one person, and that it won’t make much of a difference if you live smaller, but in the whole scheme it makes a big difference.
You not buying much means less money goes into the system and less money that goes to other people so that they can buy at least the bare necessities. Your money doesn’t just go to your benefit, it helps to support other people, so that they can then purchase products and enjoy them.
If you don’t buy what you like, what good is there to life? All you’d be doing is working, if you are lucky enough to have a job.
What is the point to life if it is dull, boring and not enjoyable? The only thing you’d like would be meeting with friends and family, but with a decreased amount of money around, it may become difficult to even afford to drive. Seriously, what fun is there in systematically working, eating and sleeping without any enjoyment in there? All you achieve through that is a wasted life. It’s not selfish to buy things you want for enjoyment!