
Why Torture Is Important

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Why Torture Is Important
Since September 11th 2001, the laws on torture have been at dispute in democracy. If there was a way to prevent the September 11th attacks then America should do anything in their power to get the information to save innocent lives of their citizens. Furthermore, intelligence is needed to find out who is responsible for these attacks. To get the needed intelligence we must have somebody that knows what happened and a way to extract the information. This is where torture would come into play. There are various laws that account towards torture and whether or not we should use it to extract valuable information. To save the lives of civilians it is important that we know what is going on and how we can prevent it. A lot of terrorists hiding information will not give it up easily because of a vast amount of reasons, most of the time they are scared of what will happen to them if they do give up …show more content…
The U.S. government would make several laws to ensure that torture does not get out of hand and is kept contained and limited by U.S. policies. Intelligence agencies are very careful when getting information, the government will take great caution and not take risks on matters such as accidentally accusing innocents. With the increase in worldwide technology the possibility of catching the wrong person decreases. The government would make certain that they have the right person before taking severe actions such as torture. Torture would need to be used as a last resort in extracting information from guilty parties and only be used if there are lives at stake (Krisko). If the U.S. were to carry out on this direction of extracting information they would need to be very clear on what they’re doing to who and why they’re doing it. If the person is guilty of something they need to share that information with the public. Through laws, rules, and definitions torture can be permissible by the U.S. military and law

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