Daniel created several inventions
like an hourglass that can be used at sea-http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Biographies/Bernoulli_Daniel.htm. He also figured out how to measure blood pressure.
He had been awarded honorary degrees by seventeen universities and is a member or honorary member of many learned societies and academies in the field of medicine and biology. In 1944 he was sighted as a Knight Bachelor.…
How to hit a Kill Shot: You want to get good position in the middle of the court and try hitting with power some balls very close to the floor. The reason for this is that you want the ball to bounce so your opponent has to react to a low, bouncing ball. This is an effective shot that can put you in an offensive position on your opponent.…
Henery Clerval, who we know have, from an early age, been influenced by the wish to attain…
What were the two key institutions of the African American slave community? How did they function, and what beliefs did they express?…
The book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell proposes that all myths are essentially hero-quest stories, each of which rings a unique change on a universal pattern; a pattern he calls the “monomyth.” According to Campbell, the hero’s journey consists of three main moves: departure, initiation, and return. Within each of these categories is a number of stages common to the plots of all hero-quest stories, and can be compared to Daniel Suelo's adventure throughout his life. According to the book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the first move of the journey is departure which starts with the call to adventure. The call of adventure is how the journey starts and with Daniel Suelo it starts with him leaving the last of his money in a telephone booth and going for the adventure (accepting the call to adventure), so there is no direct indication of a call of adventure but leaving behind the money is probably the closest.…
Louis Riel is known by many names: a prophet, a traitor, and a madman. Out of them all, Riel is regarded as a hero, who stood up for his people in the face of the Canadian government, and those who question his sanity still view him as an essentially honourable figure. Riel was strongly respectful towards the Métis and felt that they deserved rights too, like any other human being, as they faced racial discrimination by Canada’s government, whom denied them many rights and took away things like their land and culture. Riel’s earlier life contributed to who he was during the encounter with the surveyors and the settlers, such as his good education and his knowledge of three different languages: English, French, and Cree. As part of the Red River Resistance, he helped establish a provisional government, and was elected president. Since the Resistance and execution of Thomas Scott, he had suffered a series of emotional breakdowns, but later on, his delusions had subsided and he was married with a family and became a school teacher.…
Christopher Columbus can in no way, shape, or form be considered a hero. A hero is someone who performs good deeds for the sake of others and not for their own benefit. Christopher Columbus did not do a single good deed in any of his four voyages in the late 1400 's. Christopher Columbus was not the founder of the Americas we live in today because he did not set a single foot on these grounds, even if he did there were already the natives who inhabited the land. When he first sited land it was further down south in the Caribbean Islands. Christopher Columbus can be considered the enforcer of slavery. Slavery was already going on when he left Spain. However, the natives could be used for trade with other goods, this was known as the slave trade. He and his crew basically enslaved a whole race of men, women, and children. When Christopher Columbus discovered what he thought to be the "New World", he had no idea that he would find a whole race of people. His intensions were to go out and find gold and spices to bring back to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in Spain.…
Benjamin Franklin is best known as one of the Founding Fathers of our country, who helped draft the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Franklin was born in January of 1706 in Boston, where he was the fifteenth of seventeen children. He stopped going to school at age ten to help his father's business but got bored of making candles. At age twelve Franklin went to apprentice at his older brother’s print shop, before eventually opening his own print shop in Philadelphia.…
As an adult, Heinrich Schliemann was, “Known to be a businessman prior to entering the field of archaeology”, according to D.F. Easton from The Classical World. Easton also states that, “Schliemann started a banking operation which he ran in California in 1851” (Easton 1998). He also lived in St. Petersburg during the 1850’s adds in David Turner, who wrote Heinrich Schliemann The Man Behind The Masks (Turner 1990). During this time, “Schliemann made connections with affluent merchants”, says Turner. During his time in the United States Schliemann was a dubious individual. Easton adds, “Schliemann lied to secure his United States Citizenship and divorce in 1868.” Even though Heinrich had been enamored with the Greek world throughout his life. He was only known as an international businessman and had never entered the world of archeology. To understand his motives, one must understand his development as a person. For example, Turner explains that Schliemann was, “A man who rose from rags to riches through sheer willpower, a man who strove for achievement in all he did but was never satisfied with the crude achievement of wealth” (Turner 1990). Schliemann seemed like a man who always was obsessed with the next thing and never seemed satisfied with what he had. This would definitely have an impact through the ways he would discover the various…
Throughout multiple aspects of his life, Benjamin Franklin will forever hold a place in people’s minds as a truly a great American hero. Born from humble beginnings in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, 1706, Benjamin Franklin moved up in class from living among a poor family to becoming one of the richest and most famous men in the world. He used his talents in a widespread amount of subjects, from politics to inventions to morals. He passed away on April 17, 1790 at the age of 84.…
Webster’s dictionary defines honor as “respect that is given to someone who is admired.” Jacques Cousteau was born in a village in the southwest of France on June 11th, 1910. As a child, Cousteau had a strong curiosity of water and mechanical objects. He graduated from College Stanislas in Paris and in 1930 he entered the French Naval Academy. In 1933 he broke both of his arms in a car accident and nearly died. He began swimming in the medditeranean as rehibilitation. He was given a pair of swimming goggles and his interest in marine life became stronger. In 1943 he met Emile Gagnan who shared his passion. They experimented with swim gear. In 1943 they invented the Aqua Lung which allowed divers to stay underwater for long periods of time.…
John Baskerville was born in England in 1706. Early in his life he was a “writing master”, but later went on to make a fortune in the japanning business before finally finding his vocation as a printer 1750.…
It has been over 4600 years since the term doctor has been used to describe medical doctors in 2650 BCE. Doctor which is often abbreviated to Dr was first used in English in 1303 to refer to a ‘Doctor of the Church’, someone knowledgeable on religion and who has studied the Bible. It was used to refer to people of the church such as fathers, apostles and theologians whose teachings have influenced many. It was in 1377 that the English used it to mean medical doctor as ‘Doctour of Deth’. Doctor was widely used in the sixteenth century and was also used by Shakespeare in his plays, The Merry Wives of Windsor and Macbeth as well as others. It can also be linked to the roots of the word ‘docile’, as a docile person is easy to…
He advanced the study of anatomy and physiology by careful dissection and observation. He had a private income. He was a skilled surgeon, capable of operations also a philosopher and logician.…
Despite being born into a middle class family, Maria Sibylla Merian came from a disadvantaged life. Merian lived with disease and death throughout her life. Her father was a Swiss engraver and publisher who died when Merian was only three years old. A year after her father's death, her mother married a painter, who brought children from his previous marriage. In order for a middle class business to survive everyone in the family had to work, so at twelve years of age Merian and her mother had to provide for themselves due to her husband leaving once his children were grown up. They continued to run the family business that her stepfather and half-brother has established. Merian, however, was not the only girl who had a life of struggle, many women at that time were left to struggle when left by death or abandonment. Sophie Germaine, a middle class girl of the 18th century, was a daughter whose parents were apprehensive towards her interest in academics. Born in Paris in 1776, Germaine was born into a wealthy family. She soon developed an interest in Mathematics at the age of thirteen. When she stumbled upon a book about Archimedes in her father's library which described how Archimedes was so engrossed in the study of a geometric figure in the sand that he failed to respond to the questioning of a roman soldier and as a result he…