Some experts say that kids associated with sports and school often don’t have enough time for both. When kids are involved in sports, it’s often a battle for them to keep up with their school work. Many kids have been interviewed, one of the kids’ opinions was that “It is very tough to find time for sports and school.” When kids are involved in sports they …show more content…
are constantly going to practice, or trying to stay in shape. This can interfere with school because some practice times are very late, and this mts. Most sports require kids to practice even when out of the sport season.
Some coaches have been interviewed on their judgement on the topic. One coach said, “ Keep practicing even weaker kids stressed because they might still have unfinished work and they stay up too late finishing it. Even when not in season kids are distressed about the sporn the season is over.” When coaches say that they often make the kid worried, and that has a profound effect on their school work. Kids are always ready for sports seasons to start, but many kids suffer from injuries. Not only do sports lessen the time for kids to study for school, they can also cause a considerable amount of serious injuries. One of the most severe injuries is a concussion. Concussions can have permanent or temporary injuries that affect students at school as well as on the playing field. Concussions rates in juvenile athletes are surging because of just one simple reason-sports. For example, the amount of concussions in younger kids over the last decade have …show more content…
tripled. Now that students will have more clubs to choose from then they won’t have all of their time eaten up by games and practices. Student-athletes often complain about how all of their time is being taken up because of the sports that they play, but with clubs they would have a lot more time. The clubs wouldn’t be everyday and they would only be about one hour every time. Kids would have more time after school, and they wouldn’t have to train in the off-season. The clubs could give students the extra knowledge, and that would help them with their grades at school. Now, you might be wondering just how we will motivate kids to get good grades.
The answer is quite simple actually-students will be motivated to get good grades by spending their free time focusing on school. Whether that means studying or just doing their homework, this will increase academic productivity as well as students’ success in and out of school. The time that they will usually waste on sports will be put to good use focusing on school at home. If you get an A on a test or quiz, you will receive two Wolf Tracks and a B will earn you one Wolf Track. The same would apply for grades at the end of each quarter. This will motivate our students and solve this problem, and so will our next solution in the following
paragraph. Another thing that might cause doubt is the question what happens to the skills kids would’ve learned from sports? Well, just because there aren’t as many school sports doesn’t mean that they can’t play on teams outside of school.We will alleviate the pressure that comes with school by simply keeping sports outside of school like it was intended to be. This isn’t taking away our kids’ right to play sports, just taking them out of the inappropriate setting-school. Overall, these presented ideas will improve our school for the better. On behalf of my three fellow companions, I would like to thank you, Mr. Schwanz, for considering our idea of adding more non-sport activities at MTMS. We believe this will greatly benefit our school and increase the academic performance of our students. It will also increase our students’ safety by removing organized athletics from our school. Our clubs will be a positive change in the collective behavior of the attendees at our excellent school. Overall, these ideas will help the transformation of our school by helping it follow The Ways of the Wolf-Respectful, Responsible, and Safe.