day. In almost every organized high school sport, if a student is absent so many days from school or practice, than they will not be able to be on the team. With this being enforced, many teens will attend school more than usual. If students are tardy so many times in school, then they are disciplined. The first action will be after school detention, which cuts into practice and/or game time. The second offense is in school suspension, which means that the player is not able to practice at all that day, or cannot participate in the game. Therefore, playing a sport decreases the tardiness rate. Playing a varsity sport improves the chances of getting scholarships to college. Some teens that do not have the straight A's or the 4.0 to get into the college of their dreams may have a chance by playing sports. Recruiters are always looking for good athletes on their sports teams and are willing to pay for school. By receiving a scholarship from a college, most of the time, they will pay for most of the athletes' tuition and fees for college, sometimes they even pay for all of it for all four years and all the student has to do is play the sport/sports that they recruited them for. If the student receives a scholarship to a good school, and the teen achieves well in college in the subjects that they are studying for their future, then they will earn a/some degree(s). This means that better job opportunities will open up for them when they are out of college.
High school is a hard place to "fit in" with the popular kids or any group of people.
By playing sports, it is easy to make great, life-long friends. On the team, the first friends teens will make are, well their teammates. When they begin to hang with them, then they will meet some of their teammates friends and so on and so on. Confidence is hard to have in high school as well. Playing a sport definitely boosts confidence. Teens will have confidence in talking to other teens, gives them confidence in playing other sports, and a lot of confidence in achieving the sport they are already playing. Sports make teens quite popular to the rest of the school. Teens tend to see the athletes popular for some reason in high school. That is how it has always been. By being friends with the team, will teach teens good sportsmanship and form a trust bond between
Sports have basically their own clothing line. If teens are involved in varsity sports, then at the end of the season, they receive varsity letters. These are placed on the coolest, prized possession an athlete can receive in high school. The letterman jacket. This is what all jocks wait to receive to place their letters on to show off to the rest of the school. This $300.00+ jacket is very powerful as far as a teens social life. Well first and foremost, it makes teens feel very good about themselves. This jacket makes teens fit in with the other jocks of different sports, which creates more friendships. When teens become older and out of school, the letterman jacket is a great way to look back on for memories of high school and the sports they played.
Most teens do not like to do chores or watch their siblings all the time. Being active and playing sports keeps teenagers away from home a lot. Almost all practices end around 5:00pm but games, meets, or matches may last all day or even all night. This means athletes just do not have enough time at all to do any chores or even baby sit if you have any siblings. A lot of teens become tired of being at home and watching re- runs of old reality shows. Well if you are involved in sports, there is barely any time to watch boring television series. There is a sport for every type of person in high school. Golf, tennis, swimming, basketball, football, wrestling, track, and many more to fit the lifestyle and personalities of any teenager. There are many good outcomes in playing sports. They teach teens great skills, keeps them in shape, and will help teens get into college on scholarships. All teenagers in high school should be involved in at least one sport every year in high school.