God has given each and every one of us a chance at life. I am thrilled to say I have been granted with a great family and friends, a roof over my head, delicious food to eat on a daily basis, and coffee to wake me up every single morning. Not everyone on this earth currently has all the opportunities that most people I know have. Every single morning, I wake up to the excruciating sound of my alarm clock going off, and get ready. Once I complete my morning tasks, I tell my family goodbye, and then proceed drive to my school. I have already explained an unfathomable amount of blessings. We take for granted the gifts we are granted. Even being granted these gifts, we still complain about insignificant situations. I have everything anyone could ever ask for, and yet I still complain practically every single second of the day.
In Africa, a woman is raising twelve young girls all by her lonesome. A lady decided to invite her in for dinner. Unfairly, the women who had fourteen adolescents dinner only had 5 chicken legs to share with them for the day. That opened my eyes. Sadly, we are not evening thinking each day of how lucky we are. I complain about petty things each day. I am selfish. After listening to that …show more content…
One of my humongous fears is recalling my life with regret. When I become elderly, I wanna look back at my memories with love and joy in my life. I realized recently that my life is going by very fast. There is a line in a song by Luke Bryan that exclaims,” Days go by slowly, years go by fast.” This genuinely spoke to me, exclaiming to remain unhurried and actually take my time doing stuff I enjoy. Complaining doesn’t make a solution, it only gives you a negative outlook on what you are facing. What you are experiencing is going to happen whether you want it to or not. Instead of complaining about what is wrong, thank God for what is right in our life. What all has God done in your life