
Why We Shouldn T Junk Food Be Taxed

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Due to junk food many Americans have become obese or overweight. It's terrible for the people because it kills. Junk food should be taxed due to the fact that many Americans have become obese, if taxed people can become healthier also fit, and it's the number one health issue in this nation.

Junk food should be taxed for many reasons. First of all it kills! Many Americans choose to eat fatty fast food instead of healthy food. According to the article, Tax on junk food can help pay the cost of diet-related diseases by Ronnie Cummins, it states that “In 1972, U.S consumers spent three billion dollars a year on fast food;today we spend more than a hundred - ten billion dollars”. He meant that Americans spend more money today in fast food than back then. Millions of people have become addicted to the fast food, from young kids to adults. Junk food is sold at some school lunchrooms, restaurants, and institutional cafeterias. That's why junk food should have a big fat tax.
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The government should “subsidize healthy organic food, not junk food” said Cummins. Schools need to educate their students about nutrition and how to become fit. School cafeterias need to change their menu from unhealthy to healthy and nutritious food. People need to go to a gym, learn how to cook healthy foods, and learn how to eat very little fatty food. According to Ronnie Cummins “Studies have shown that school organic gardens, salad bars and healthy lunches improve the health and academic performance of young people”. Andrew P. Morris is against that junk food should be taxed. He claims that “it's no one's business to know what you eat.” That may be true but how much people eat can be alarming. People should always watch out with what they eat and the quantities. It's better to be safe than

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