It is heartening to know that the number of women engaged in paid employment has risen considerably over the years all over the world, with ample records to prove that the companies that had taken the best efforts to promote women had been the most profitable. Globally, there has been a rise in the number of women executives in the corporate corridors as well as public servants in the political corridors. But how many of these women actually succeed in reaching the top of the corporate or political ladder? Unfortunately, very few if the figures are to be believed. Women constitute only up to 16% of the directors in the Fortune 500 companies, 4% of the CEOs of the Standard & Poor's 500 companies and 4% again …show more content…
Women tend to have low self-confidence and constantly under value their own contributions and knowledge.
# Clear-cut differences in the priorities regarding work and family and particularly Childcare, that exist for women and men also throw obstacles in the way to the top for women. On the other side, a woman could be criticised by the society/ organisation either way for both, for having her priorities right and for not having too. Society has the tendency to sometimes ignore the involvement men should take in the matter of child rearing.
# The struggle of facing the challenges along the path to the pinnacle is what that makes women lean back or hesitant. In no way by any means, they are less ambitious than men. This hesitancy makes them less assertive on the matter of pushing their career forwards till the …show more content…
What is called for is a change in the mindset and attitude at the levels of society, organisation and family, which will give women the assurance they need to build up their confidence to further their progress up the path of their career till they reach the pinnacle. We need to call a halt to the practised ways of prejudice towards women who is trying to find a work- life balance while zealously pursuing the position at the top. The family has to understand that the partner too should put in his efforts towards rearing children and sharing responsibilities, thus remaining true to the word