Risks should be taken: Should you take risks? Taking risks can lead to many good things in life, letting you experience new and fun experiences, and have a fulfilling and fun life. Some examples of this are in the stories "Cocoon", "The Call of The Wild", and "The Life of Frederick Douglass". There are examples of this in the poem "Cocoon". In the story, it implies that taking a risk can be good by leaving your comfort zone. Evidence of this happening in the poem is when she says "For the soft cocoon where I lay, a part of me that keeps pining for the delicate chrysalis smashed and destroyed before my eyes that day. What she means by chrysalis is her comfort zone and she wants it to be destroyed so she can be free but there is a risk in leaving your comfort zone. Later in the poem, she says "When my soul broke free, a part of me thrilled at the lift of its arc". This was after she was out of her "chrysalis" Or her comfort zone and it says she felt thrilled and lifted which is a very good thing. …show more content…
There is evidence of this in the story when the author says "Spitz without snarling and bristling menacingly. In fact, his conduct approached that of a "bully" meaning that there is someone bullying others which is not right and it would be a risk standing up to the bully but the outcome would be good because the bully would not mess with you