“A Native American Thanksgiving”, written by Beverly Cox and Clara Sue Kidwell, is an informational article including recipes, all relating to Native American culture. They begin this piece by dating back to the earliest known facts of “Thanksgiving” between the Pilgrims and the Indians. Cox and Kidwell set out to show the reader the real meaning behind this holiday. Pointing out that Americans only give thanks once a year, they go in depth about the Native American’s beliefs of giving appreciations. Indians would give credit and acknowledgment to the spirits of nature throughout the year in hopes for generosity in upcoming hunting and planting seasons, considering farming was an important part of Indian life. This material allows Cox and Kidwell…
My family and I usually have Thanksgiving at our church. Which always starts at six. Our pastor always organizes it the same way every year. During service the little kids will be taken downstairs to eat, after them, the teenagers go down. During that time they feed the youngest to the oldest.…
Everyone has that special dish that they must have to make Thanksgiving feel like Thanksgiving. No matter what part of the country you live in most everyone can agree on one thing, Turkey! Whether you like is roasted, fried or baked Thanksgiving just isn’t complete without it. But does everyone cook their turkey the same way? Today we will take a look at how the thanksgiving preparation varies from region to region and share some yummy recipes in case you decide to mix it up this Thanksgiving.…
Thanksgiving is considered by many as being the worse meal of the year. Why? Because of the extreme overload of high-starch carbs that trigger blood sugar spikes for so many people. Just think of it. Pumpkin pie with a scoop or two of ice cream, corn bread stuffing, mashed potatoes, sugar-laden cranberry sauce and green bean casserole, that's why.…
Thousands will come to us this fall for food and care—hundreds on Thanksgiving Day alone, for a wholesome meal with all the trimmings: turkey, stuffing, fresh vegetables, even pie!…
Next came the difficult part: explaining how to celebrate the darn thing. I remember giving a vague description about how families were supposed to eat a lot of food together and share whatever they were thankful for. My parents were intrigued by this and decided that we could celebrate Give-thanks, my mother called our closest relatives on the phone and invited them to dinner on…
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks. It is also the time to sit down and enjoy a meal with your family. Even though enjoying a meal with your family is very important, Thanksgiving is also important to ask you and your family what are you thankful for. Being thankful can be a long or short accomplishment; a goal that can be achieved. This year, I’m thankful that I’m currently enrolled at Thomas Nelson Community College, graduated from high school, and my family is supporting me through college.…
My mom’s surgery was very successful, and she finally came home the day before Thanksgiving. My family and I usually don’t do much for Thanksgiving. We usually go out to a friends house for a small party to celebrate the holiday; but that year, we had to skip the…
This is not your typical Thanksgiving guide. We are not the Food Network so we will not talk about how to cook a Thanksgiving feast. This is more about the behind the scenes footage of Thanksgiving. Instead of what to cook, I want to tap into those holiday nuances like your Mother and Aunt, arguing over who’s making the dressing this year, or the Uncle that has to bring a different woman to dinner every year because he is still trying to get under Aunt Margaret’s skin. You'll get rules on hosting a party, should you bring something if invited, how involved do you want your husband to be, and so on. Here is the rundown of the Do’s and Don’ts of Thanksgiving.…
Thanksgiving is the one holiday in which the meal takes six weeks to plan, three days to cook and five minutes and 30 seconds to eat so everyone can watch 10-hours of football. Contrary to popular wisdom, the sole purpose of the holiday is not giving thanks and togetherness. It is about football, and pie.…
Grandma Calls out “Dinners ready” and before you know it the dinner table is engulfed with all my siblings and of course papa. We all sit eager as ever, anticipating thinking and imagining how good the turkey is going to be this year. Everyone’s engaged in one another, talking joking and laughing around the table. It’s about as good as any Thanksgiving dinner can get, but as soon as grandma cracks open the oven the aroma of the freshly seasoned and cooked turkey floods the kitchen. It’s as silent as the nights whistle. She brings the comestible around with the help of Uncle Richard, as grandma is getting far too fragile and weak to do anything on her own anymore. We as family agreed her cooking skills are far too superior a thing to allow to go to waste. So whenever the opportunity arises, one of us is always helping grandma. Uncle Richard proceeds to slice the turkey ever so graciously making everyone at table froth at the…
It seemed to me as if they haven’t eaten this good of food in years to me, which is undoubtedly true for most of them because of the little things they have with them daily. Just like how some things we experience are once in a lifetime such as traveling, or getting to meet a celebrity, was equivalent to them getting to eat on this Thanksgiving day. For all the little jacked up things they own, they probably never take for granted of just like this day.…
Thanksgiving is one of the most important holidays of the year and its important for every family…
People have many opinions and reasons about their favorite holidays, but out of all the holidays I would think that Christmas is the best above all. There are many reasons why I like Christmas, but only three matter the most to me. One of the reasons is because people get to exchange gifts with friends and family. The other reason is because of the foods, but the best part of Christmas is spending time with the family.…
When I was five years old girl, I was often envious of my mother and grandmother cooking together for the Jewish holidays. I was too young to understand the dangers of the oven and the stove, so year after year I was frustrated that I was excluded from the meal preparation. After a few seasons of whining and complaining, my grandma decided to humor me. For the big feast on the first night of Rosh HaShanah, she enlisted my help. She chose an interesting dish my five year old self could actually help make: meatloaf mashed potato cupcakes. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed helping my grandma make them and for a few years it was somewhat of a holiday ritual. I would…